Saturday, September 13, 2008

日本語館からのニュース ⇄ News From the Japanese House

みんなさん、こんにちは。こっちはラングェージ・ハウスのチューです。僕はもう一年ラングウジ・ハウスに住むことになって今年で二年目を始めることになるのです。今年のメンバーは去年の人数より多くて、元気がいっぱいだし、おもしろいから今年ここに住むのがもっと楽しい事になるみたいのです。それに、今回の日本語館がニューヨーク市には行かなくて、僕が最も行きたい所に行きます。それは何処だと思いますか?もちろん、日本ですよ!春休みに日本語館の七人が京都へ行くつもりですよ! でも、その前にたくさんやらなくてはいけない事があります。例えば、お金を集める事、このトリップのためのリサーチを書く事など、全て京都行くために必要な事なので難しくて大変の事になっています。でも、今この学期がまだ始まったところなので、みんなのエンナジがまだ高いからこの時のうちで全部難しい事をしておいたら絶対に日本行けると思うよ。みんな、頑張って!!!

Hello everyone, this is Chiu from the Language House. I have lived in the Language House for one year, and I’m starting my second year in the house. This year we have two more members than last year, and the new members are vibrant and a lot of fun to be with, so I think this year will be lots of fun living with them. In addition, this time the Japanese Language House is not just going to New York City, but going to a place I’ve always wanted to go. Why don’t guess where that place is? Of course, it is Japan. This spring break, from the Japanese Language house, all 7 members are planning to go to Kyooto! But before that, there are many things that must be done, for example: to gather money for the trip, and to write a research proposal for the trip…all of these things must be done before traveling, hence, it’s a hard and arduous task. However, since the semester just started, and everyone still had lots of energy, I think if we can do all these sticky stuffs in advance, then we can definitely go to Japan. Everyone, Good Luck!!!!

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