Sunday, November 16, 2008

Isabelle reflects upon her experience at the Language House

Thanksgiving break is just around the corner meaning exams and winter break are soon to follow as well. This makes me realize that my third and final semester in the language house is coming to a close. I look back and think about how such a place of consistent comfort has brought such different experiences. It is astonishing what different communities result from year to year and even from semester to semester. Only could the ACH Language House program support such diversity; never to get old and always offering something new.

My three semesters in the French House has prepared me well for my semester in Switzerland next spring. I am confident in my ability to engage with francophone colleagues in Geneva, Paris, and Brussels and this I must attribute to the French House.

I have met unforgettable people for whom I hold the upmost respect. I love that the in-house community extends itself beyond Boldt hall as I find myself greeting the house members in French throughout campus and college town. The memories I hold of the French House are completely unique to my experiences at Cornell. For these things, I am endlessly thankful.

To everyone on the Language House, and the French House in particular, thank you for everything that you offered me. Enjoy the next two and a half weeks of classes and the upcoming holidays and good luck on exams and with next semester. I think I can safely assume that next semester will bring a whole new community to the French House as that has been my experience over the past three semesters, an experience which is, in my opinion, one of the greatest qualities of the language house.

===> Thanks a lot Isabelle, we will miss you :*(

Alison nous parle de la maison française


Laissez-moi commencer en disant que j'adore la maison francaise. C'est plus bien que ce que j'ai imaginé et Valentine est une très bonne <> . Nous avons regardé <> une soirée et tout le monde aurait dû le voir!!! Aussi nous jouons au foot quelques fois, la maison d'arabe pense qu'ils sont meilleurs, mais c'est faux. Aussi, nous continuons à essayer de rassembler de l'argent pour notre voyage à Strasbourg pendant les vacances de printemps et vraiment j'espère que nous pourrons y aller, ce sera une grande expérience éducative.
Ciao pour maintenant,



Monday, November 10, 2008

Arabic House Post by Alexandra Perrotti

Marhaba beyt logat. Ismee Alexandra wa ana sakn fi beyt arabi. Ana adrose hakuma wa al-sharq al-awsat fi al kulliya min Arts and Sciences. Hada usbu fiza Obama al-intikhab wa kul Cornell (wa al-`alam al-`arabi) sa'id!! Nam, Nehnu Nastatyeh!

Hello Language House. My name is Alexandra and I live in the Arabic House. I study Government and the Middle East in the College of Arts and Sciences. This week, Obama won the election and all of Cornell (and the Middle East) was happy!! Yes We Can!*there is a picture attached for the blog. credit the BBC.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Pan de Muertos...

Querido ‘blog’,

Esta semana, nosotros, los residentes de la Casa de Español, celebramos “Jalowin” (asi no se escribe pero me da igual) y luego el Dia de los Muertos. Para celebrar la bellísima tradición al estilo Mexicano, Barbará (ό como le llamamos nosotros: B. Diddy) sugirió que horneáramos un pan de muertos.

Alentados por el ánimo de Barbara, obtuvimos una receta de internet y fuimos a comprar los ingredientes necesarios. Esta es la receta que seguimos:
4 sobres de levadura
1/4 de taza de agua tibia
6 tazas de harina
1 lata de leche condensada
5 huevos
5 yemas de huevo
1 ¼ tazas de mantequilla
2 cucharadas de agua de azahar
2 huevos para barnizar
1 ¼ tazas de azúcar


Precalienta el horno a 200 grados Fahrenheit. Disuelve la levadura en el agua, agrega 1/2 taza de harina, forma una pequeña bola y deja reposar 15 minutos. Mezcla la harina restante con los huevos, la leche condensada, las yemas, la mantequilla y el agua de azahar. Amasa todos los ingredientes y agrega la levadura. Vuelve a amasar y deja reposar en un lugar tibio 1 hora hasta que la masa aumente su tamaño al doble. Divide la masa en 4 partes y a cada una quítale una pequeña porción que usarás para los adornos del pan. Redondea cada una de las partes y colócalas en un recipiente horneable y engrasado. Con la masa restante haz lágrimas y huesitos y pégalos al pan con un poco de los huevos para barnizar batidos. Barniza el pan con este huevo y espolvorea el azúcar. Hornea 25 ó 30 minutos.



Ka Ming, Yong, Jia, Daniel 和Sara都参加了比赛,但是只有Ka Ming
麻将牌“青发”的枕头 :)


Last week the Japanese Language House celebrated Halloween!

On Wednesday, Whitney, Cloe, and Tina entered the Alice Cook House costume contest dressed as a witch, a mad scientist, and a gameboy. None of them won, but they had a really fun time at the Cook House Halloween dinner.
Whitney went all out for Halloween by decorating her room from top to bottom with spider webs, lights, skeletons, pumpkins, etc. She also participated in various Alice Cook House Halloween events: she went pumpkin picking, attended the Halloween Party, and did in-house Trick-or-Treating by giving out candy to people who visited her room. Whitney loves Halloween!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

La parole est à Robert...

La maison française a été tellement amusante jusqu'ici. Récemment on a fait une randonnée au bord des belles gorges d'Ithaca ensemble, et notre Native Speaker nous a appris quelques chansons en français, du vocabulaire des animaux, plantes, et de la nature en général. Pas mal des membres de la maison française parlent allemand aussi, deswegen haben wir auch an den deutschen Abendessen bzw Veranstaltungen teilgenommen! Et sans oublier le match de volley où on a (presque) gagné! C'est énormément utile pour moi de travailler mon français avant de partir pour la Suisse, car je vais y être étudiant d'échange le semestre prochain. Bien que je ne suive pas de course de Français ce semestre, j'ai realisé que ma capacité à parler s'est améliorée!

Robert Mitchell, French House resident